Sobre nosotros

To talk about us, we can start with a singular story of revelation. Most organizations like Operation Lola are born from a moment when there is no choice but to act.


El anuncio decía:
"Para la venta, ya sea como alimento o como mascota"

Amelia, our cherished Shih Tzu, departed abruptly, immersing us in an unforeseen abyss of grief and loss. Leonor navigated the tempest of both physical and emotional anguish. The love of a pet wraps around us, and their absence drapes over us like a lingering coat, tinting every step we take. Seeking solace, Leonor explored alternatives. 
A Craigslist note seized her attention – an ad featuring a petite female piglet weighing just one pound. Adorned with a big red bow, the adorable piglet posed on a bed, accompanied by the caption "For sale: either food or as a pet" (Pictured on the left below). 

 As tears blurred her vision, a transformation unfolded within Leonor's heart. Unfamiliar with pigs, she felt an undeniable pull to adopt this endearing piglet as her cherished companion. Leonor discovered that the little piglet was a micro mini pig, expected to grow to only 45 lbs. Fast forward eight years, and the once diminutive piglet, now named Lola, has evolved into a nearly 150-pound, sharp-witted presence. 
Lola, expressive, talkative, and playful, embodies a spectrum of emotions, mirroring the highs and lows experienced by all of us. Lola has become an integral part of the family, skillfully communicating her desires for food, companionship, belly rubs, or playtime. She is a precious gift, an attentive listener, enriching our lives every day. Pigs, the fourth smartest animals on the planet, display feelings, knowledge, perception, and sensibility. 

Lola, a beacon of enlightenment, has inspired us to embark on a mission – with your support – to make a difference through rescue and re-homing. (Pictured below, Leonor and Lola). Lola, is a connoisseur of classical music, particularly Chopin, thanks to Alexa! Lola, has made an extraordinary impact on our lives and has opened doors to a path we never envisioned before meeting Lola. Because of Lola, we initiated our non-profit, Operation Lola, saving countless pigs like Lola. They've been rehabilitated and are now thriving in loving homes, experiencing joy and fulfillment.


¿Qué suele pasar con los cerdos de 300 lb?

Los cerdos barrigones se comercializan como minicerdos, nanocerdos, cerdos taza de té y una docena de nombres más, y luego se abandonan porque no existe el cerdo taza de té. El rango de tamaño de un cerdo barrigón puede oscilar entre 40 y 300 libras. Lamentablemente, muchos criadores deshonestos abogan por el abuso al recomendar dietas que mantienen a estos animales desnutridos para mantener su peso y crecimiento atrofiados. Los cerdos barrigones pueden reproducirse a los 3 meses de vida y tardan hasta seis años en alcanzar su tamaño completo. Los criadores engañosos empeoran aún más las cosas al criarlos temprano en sus vidas, cuando aún son pequeños, y al permitir que la gente crea que el cerdo padre es un indicador del tamaño que alcanzará el cerdito.
Nunca podríamos lograr finales felices sin las hermosas relaciones que compartimos los rescatistas: estamos aquí el uno para el otro y para los cerditos, cabras y animales maltratados, abandonados y olvidados en todas partes.